Saturday, December 3, 2011

Turkey Day in Auburn

The kids and I went to Auburn for a long weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving. We really lucked out with the weather; mild and no rain while we were visiting, so the kids were able to spend a lot of time outside. We had a really nice holiday.

Here are a few pictures: Abby and Deano having hot chocolate in Mickey Mouse mugs!

Outside play feeding ducks and playing outside in cool weather!

We all met up with Erin and her family and watched the parade. Kids had a lot of fun, as long as "The Grinch" wasn't around-- Abby was scared to death of this character in the parade!!

Pics from my phone-airplane ride home. Mommy survived her first time flying with both kids solo! They were both so good :)

Here are videos of Dean the dancin' machine.... He loves playing various ring tones from my brother's phone and busting a move for everyone. His moves crack us up!!

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