Friday, September 5, 2008

A walk in the rain

Here are a couple of cute shots of Tye & Abby. We went for a walk a couple of days ago & got caught in the rain. It always surprises me when Abby becomes so excited by getting wet in the rain, as I always hate to get wet!

Gage's birthday weekend!

I took many pictures over Labor Day weekend up in Auburn. Abby, mom & I went up for Gage's 85th birthday celebration.

Here are a couple of pictures from Hoopes Park, where Abby chased ducks around again, and Uncle Danny did a lot of chasing her around, while I visited with my old friend Erin and her daughter Ella!

Below are pictures from the first of two birthday dinners.

Aunt Barb & Uncle Jamie flew in from Tampa for the big weekend. Here are some pictures from that birthday dinner. Both restaurants were at really beautiful settings, as you can see.