Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Weekend 2011

Finally getting pictures up from Christmas 2011. Santa was VERY good to Abby and Dean this year. Abby loves her hamonica and art easel, and Dean's favorites have been his train and the Hungry Hippo game. The kitchen set has been a big hit too; they like to cook for the dogs!


Here are a couple of Deano shots from my phone. That boy loves throwing rocks in the water and could sit there all day quite content. He had more fun doing this than playing at the playground we were at.... Funny boy!

Tiny Dancer

Abby just finished her first session of ballet/tap. Here is a cute pic :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Turkey Day in Auburn

The kids and I went to Auburn for a long weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving. We really lucked out with the weather; mild and no rain while we were visiting, so the kids were able to spend a lot of time outside. We had a really nice holiday.

Here are a few pictures: Abby and Deano having hot chocolate in Mickey Mouse mugs!

Outside play feeding ducks and playing outside in cool weather!

We all met up with Erin and her family and watched the parade. Kids had a lot of fun, as long as "The Grinch" wasn't around-- Abby was scared to death of this character in the parade!!

Pics from my phone-airplane ride home. Mommy survived her first time flying with both kids solo! They were both so good :)

Here are videos of Dean the dancin' machine.... He loves playing various ring tones from my brother's phone and busting a move for everyone. His moves crack us up!!

Another climber

Yes, we have another climber in the Dean-bean. First Abby-Lou, now the Bean.

Exhibit A:

So pleased with himself, isn't he?

We enrolled him in gymnastics class to channel this... climbing instinct that he seems to have. Kidding. Actually, it was just plain torturous for him to watch Abby during her gymnastics class. He was dying to get in there and join the two year old boys in their class, so we bit the bullet, and signed him up.

I was so proud of him for following along so well on his first day, especially since he has never ventured out there alone, only having done mommy/me type classes. Dean had a smile on his face the entire time and I don't think he looked for me once. I was speechless and had tears in my eyes watching him run around. Such a big boy!

Exhibit B:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Funny squirrel"

Abby named herself "funny squirrel" when asked to give herself a "tribe name" at school, as part of their Thanksgiving unit. (Abby also assigned mommy and daddy with names. Mine is "running dog" and daddy is "swimming fish"). Here are some pictures from Abby's Thanksgiving party at school, at which I voluteered. Abby was so excited for her mommy to be there for the luncheon. After lunch, the kids went back to class and had a "pow-wow"; check out the tee-pee!! Can you tell the director of her preschool is a hardcore NOLE fan? LOVE IT!!

Dean's fave pooch

OK- So I know the Maggie/Dean shots are redundant, but who can resist these???

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tigger and Pooh

We had a great Halloween! The kids decided to be Pooh and Tigger this year. Well, Abby decided. ;-) She loves her Winnie the Pooh sweater that Gage made for her. In fact, we leave it in her cubby at school and she often wants to put it on or put it on the back of her chair there. She also saw the Pooh movie last summer and loved it, so Pooh was her first choice. As for Dean, well, he is just a perfect Tigger this year. He certainly fit the part when we were all getting ready for the evening, jumping, bouncing and having a good time. When we headed out to trick or treat, however, it was serious business. He was SO into it. Both kids did a great job trick or treating and Abby asked if we could go again tomorrow.

Random shot after trick or treating. His hair looks hilarious!!

With Tigger being the bouncy mover and shaker that he is these days, I can't tell you how hard it was to get a good picture of both kids!!!