Friday, February 20, 2009

Defensive Lineman

Grandpa Jones came to town for the week. We took little Abby to the beach yesterday. Grandpa put it best when he said he felt like a defensive lineman trying to figure out which way Abby was going to dart to next. She was squealing with joy & frolicking around, running into the water. It was hilarious. Many an onlooker had a good chuckle or made a funny comment!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weekend in Tampa

Grandma Sue, Gage, Tye, Abby & I made a quick trip to Tampa last weekend. No, we didn't go to the Super Bowl.... We finally got to meet baby Bree, my cousin Katie & her husband Matt's four month old daughter! She is such a sweet, chilled out baby. Cousin Amy & her husband Bobby also came to town with baby Jake. (They live in Virginia Beach). Aunt Barb & Uncle Jamie hosted. Thanks again to Barb for all the hard work & cooking!

Grandma Sue is holding Bree, and Gage has Jake...

Grandma with her girl...

Abby is gleeful here, because she is outside. The girl cannot get enough of going outside these days...

Jake bundled up for a walk.. too cute wearing his hat!

Gage with Bree...

Abby's hiding place for the weekend, in Aunt Barb's kitchen.

Uncle Bobby tickling Abby.....

Our best attempt at a group photo of us girls with the babies...

Dancing on the Beach

Last week, we had breakfast on the beach at one of our favorite places, before hitting the beach. Abby had quite a time. Right away, she started dancing & running around, smiling and acting giddy. I saw the moving and grooving from afar, as I was walking down from the car. By the time I got down there, most of the dancing had ceased. Thus, no video. Abby is turning into quite the beach bum, minus the lounging around ;)