Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dean finds his courage ;)

So Dean is starting to get brave about taking steps without me standing a few feet in front of him. Today, he keeps letting go and trying to get places on his own by walking. He took 5 or 6 steps one time and suddenly seems more motivated to walk and as though he wants to practice! I finally got one short video clip. I will post more as I get them, although it is hard when they take a few fast steps!! Here it is........

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th!

It was a busy 4th of July weekend. We went to two birthday parties (Abby's friends), breakfast with Gaga and Papa, BBQ'ed with Grandma Susie and had dinner at Tio Carlo's parent's house on the night of the fourth. We set off a few fireworks, which were NOT a big hit with the kids. Cute story..... I overheard Abby comforting Adrian (Jen and Carlos's boy) saying, "are you all better now?". Of course, I am overjoyed to see her showing empathy! It must be the school psychologist in me.... or maybe just the mom in me being proud of my little girl.... I told Grandma Susie who said, "Awe. What a compassionate girl. Maybe she will be a nurse or a doctor".

Below is a video of Abby showing her reaction after the fireworks were set off outside. It is so funny to listen to Abby talk..... I need to get it on video more often. The other video is of Dean-Bean holding hands with mommy. He takes several steps and then falls down but isn't off and running yet!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Belated celebrations........

Here are some cute pictures from last weekend. We celebrated several occasions simultaneously and made up for lost time, as Gaga has been out of town a lot lately, and had to miss some of our family events. (She was helping Tracy during her pregnancy and after delivery- the newest VG cousin, Catherine, was born about a month ago!). Anyways, we celebrated Mother's day, Father's day, Dean's baptism and Abby's birthday all in one shot!

Abby and Dean at swim lessons

The four of us have a fun little routine when it comes to swim lessons. We have Abby and Dean signed up for back to back lessons. I take Dean to his beginner class, and then Tye goes in the pool with Abby for her lesson. We are really enjoying this snug family time together!

Here are pics of me and Dean, along with "Coach Rob" of course...

Abby with daddy....

Here is Abby-Lou after getting out of the pool. In the last one, she spontaneously decided to bust a move. Yes, she decided to dance pool-side. Do you think she enjoys swimming lessons?

Here are a couple of videos of Abby swimming....