Monday, March 31, 2008

The Bounce House

Abby's friend Eva had a birthday party-- Eva turned three!!! Here are a few pictures of Abby trying to snatch her lollipop!

At Eva's party, there was a bounce house. Abby LOVED it, and right away began crawling & climbing all over the place, smiling the whole time!

We posted this picture so you know Abby does actually have hair! Ha! Ha!
We call it her "infant mullet".

Just Kickin' Back

We thought these pictures were funny. Abby is kicking back watching Baby Einstein.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Von Gunten Bloggers

Hello family & friends! We decided to create a family blog to share pictures & major events. I tried to put the "posts" in order, generally beginning with Abby's birth. However, the blog apparently has a mind of it's own & put events in a different sequence. We hope you enjoy the blog & check in from time to time :)

Happy Easter!

Abby & I joined Aunt Tracy & the boys for an Easter egg hunt in Delray Beach. Below are some pictures.

Here are some pictures of our time spent with Gage & Grandma Sue on Easter.

Last but not least, here are pictures from Gaga & Papa's house on Easter Day. We went over for another Easter egg hunt!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Never a dull moment!

There is never a dull moment during Abby's waking hours. Nothing is safe, and she keeps me hopping all day long!! Abby is crawling around and climbing, getting into everything, as you can see! Her age ranges from the seventh to ninth month in these pictures.

(Who let that baby up on the table??)

(How did she get in the sink? Kidding!)

Who took my bagel?

As you can see, she certainly does tire herself right out!!!! She has been known to fall asleep in her "jolly jumper"! See exhibit A...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pretty in Purple

These pictures were taken in February, when Abby was 8 months old. Tye & I were about to leave Abby over-night for the first time. Hmmm.. she looks a little too excited to see us go...

We went skiing in Lake Tahoe for a long weekend, while Grandma Sue and my grandma came over to "Abby-sit".

"CRIBS" Let me show you my "crib"

Welcome to my crib........

These pictures are from when Abby was eight months old:

The following pictures are of Abby when she was about four months old. She discovered and was fascinated by the bear, as you can see by her careful inspection!

Below are a few more crib shots. Abby is 3 months, seven weeks and six weeks, respectively.