Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Funny squirrel"

Abby named herself "funny squirrel" when asked to give herself a "tribe name" at school, as part of their Thanksgiving unit. (Abby also assigned mommy and daddy with names. Mine is "running dog" and daddy is "swimming fish"). Here are some pictures from Abby's Thanksgiving party at school, at which I voluteered. Abby was so excited for her mommy to be there for the luncheon. After lunch, the kids went back to class and had a "pow-wow"; check out the tee-pee!! Can you tell the director of her preschool is a hardcore NOLE fan? LOVE IT!!

Dean's fave pooch

OK- So I know the Maggie/Dean shots are redundant, but who can resist these???

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tigger and Pooh

We had a great Halloween! The kids decided to be Pooh and Tigger this year. Well, Abby decided. ;-) She loves her Winnie the Pooh sweater that Gage made for her. In fact, we leave it in her cubby at school and she often wants to put it on or put it on the back of her chair there. She also saw the Pooh movie last summer and loved it, so Pooh was her first choice. As for Dean, well, he is just a perfect Tigger this year. He certainly fit the part when we were all getting ready for the evening, jumping, bouncing and having a good time. When we headed out to trick or treat, however, it was serious business. He was SO into it. Both kids did a great job trick or treating and Abby asked if we could go again tomorrow.

Random shot after trick or treating. His hair looks hilarious!!

With Tigger being the bouncy mover and shaker that he is these days, I can't tell you how hard it was to get a good picture of both kids!!!