Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Abby!

Yes, I realize it is the end of June, rather than the end of May. For those of you who are concerned that the bun in the oven has sucked every one of my brain cells out of my head, you can rest easy that I have a few left.

Here is the story: We originally planned to have a beach party the weekend of Abby's birthday. The poor gal was SO sick, that we had to cancel. It was the worst cold she has ever had.

So, we postponed the party and changed the venue, as her prego momma wanted something easier, given her ever growing condition. So we decided to have her party at this place called "The Bee's Knees Play & Learn" center. All worked out for the best, and we just pretended the end of June was the end of May! Here are a few pics!

The last two are of Abby while she opened her presents....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! Tye did not have to work over the weekend, so we went to Max's Grille in Mizner Park (Boca Raton) for a Father's Day feast. Here are a couple of pictures, the first with daddy & his girl, and the next with Papa, daddy & Abby-Lou.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Little Diva

Look at this little diva....the dress.... the shades.... As you can see below, Adrian was captivated by her "look", as evidenced by the smooch! ;)

We met up with Tia Jen, Tio Carlos, Eva and Adrian for breakfast on the beach. Afterward, we were going to hit the beach, but it was so hot walking on the sand that we had to re-think our plans. Instead, we ended up in the pool at the Holiday Inn, where we had eaten.

Tye & Abby had a blast in the water, going from the "little pool" to the "big pool". We posted a video of Abby practicing her new skills. For those who don't know, we started her in swim classes recently; she is really starting to progress the last couple of weeks.

Big Girl Bed

Well.... Tye & I are sad to say that we have said goodbye to Abby's crib. After watching her quickly and skillfully climb out repeatedly before our eyes, it was obvious we had to make the change right away. So, with reluctance, we have transitioned to a "big girl" toddler bed.

The first couple of nights were particularly rough; it was surreal to hear Abby opening the door in the middle of the night, before walking and talking while heading toward our bedroom. It hasn't been the easiest of transitions, and I sometimes wonder what has happened to our good sleeper?! The freedom is making Abby reluctant to go to sleep at times, but we seem to be getting on the right track again. KNOCK ON WOOD ;)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Daddy's new toy

Tye bought a bike & bike trailer. I plan to get a bike too, once I have enough balance to actually ride along with them. The helmet took some getting used to for little Abby-Lou, but it didn't take long for her to forget it was on her head. Biking will be great for Abby, as she wants to be outside all the time these days. With the Florida summer heat, activities that we can do are more limited and dependent on the time of day, so the timing is right for our big purchase :) Here are some pictures of Abby's first ride.