Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christmas in January

Alright-- I know this post is a few weeks late, but I haven't exactly been with the program lately...

We had another Christmas feast in early January at Gaga & Papa's house, as we did not want to drag all the gifts to NC and back over the holidays. Abby got to celebrate Christmas in January, and opened many more presents!! Here are a few pictures.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy 2009! Abby just turned 19 months old & it is hard to believe how fast she is growing up on us!! How does that happen? Here are a couple of pictures of her in the back yard "hiding". She found a new hiding place! Finally, Abby is starting to play outside without getting her hands in the dirt & putting rocks in her mouth most of the time! Yippee!

Christmas back in Florida

We came home from North Carolina to a full house. Grandpa Jones, Uncle Danny, Gage & Grandma Sue were all waiting at the house for us. Abby enjoyed getting reaquainted with the snowman we have in the front of the house, before getting to open all her gifts that were under the tree. Here are a few pictures from Christmas day.

Where are you Caroline?

Here is a video of Abby looking for her cousin Caroline. Here goes....... we'll see if my new strategy aimed at posting videos works....

Christmas in North Carolina

We went up to North Carolina to see Uncle Kevin, Aunt Tracy, William & Paulie for Christmas. Gaga, Papa, Uncle Trent, Aunt Heather & Caroline made the trip for the festivities, so all the cousins got to be together. We also got to see Uncle Kevin's parents, Bev and Ern. It was so nice to see them, as it had been several years!

Here is a picture of William (age 5) dressed up as a firefighter at "Imagination Station", a place where we took the kids to run around and play. He is getting to be such a big boy....

Gaga, Aunt Heather, Caroline (will turn 2 this February), Abby & I went to a beautiful hotel to walk the grounds. Here are some pictures from that morning..... As you can see from the first picture below, Abby is captivated by Santa these days. She calls him "Santa", "Santa Claus" or just plain "Claus"!

Last but not least, here is a picture of Paulie (turned 2 last November) gleefully riding around on his bike, on Christmas Eve!

I am attempting to upload what I call the "Where are you Caroline" video. It isn't working so far, so I will keep trying!

Strike a pose

Here are some pictures of Abby striking a pose for us in front of the Christmas Tree. There will be more Christmas pictures to come....