Monday, November 30, 2009

Week of Thanksgiving

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving 2009! Uncle Danny came to town. He helped Gage drive her car down from Auburn. Gage is doing the snow-bird thing; she will be here for the winter. :) We had turkey day at our house with Gaga, Papa, Grandma Sue, Uncle Danny, Gage and our foursome.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dean at 3 months old

A day in the life of the Dean-bean at three months old, generally consists of playing with his feet and occasionally putting them in his mouth, trying with great concentration to grab things with his hands, rolling over from tummy to back, and watching us all as we maintain our very busy life with AbbyLou! He is starting out as a talkative fellow who often coos and smiles at us. Dean also likes to kick his legs/dance in the bath and while on the changing table, just like Abby did when she was his age.

As far as Abby goes, who knew that car-rides would end up being so much fun? I never would have imagined it when she was a baby, as she hated the car seat. Nowadays, she enjoys listening to her music in the car while we ride around. She sings song after song and rhyme after rhyme, and we love listening to her little voice. See below for a quick glimpse ;-)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cute as can Bee

Here are some pictures from Halloween 2009! Actually, it ended up being a bit of a bust, as Abby was really sick with Roseola. We had to miss a Halloween party & cancel our Halloween evening plans. Poor Abby :( She seems to get sick right before all the big occasions-- her birthday & now Halloween. Wish us luck this Christmas! ;-)

Abby wore her bumblebee costume again this year. Several times prior to Halloween, she requested to wear the costume while playing around the house, so we decided to let her wear it again. It was a little big last year but this year it fit her just right! We went trick or treating to a couple of houses and Papa stopped over to see our little bumblebee!

Tye, Grandma Sue, Abby, Dean and I also went on a pumpkin patch outing last month. Abby loves going to the pumpkin patch. In fact, she still asks to go back, even well into November!