Saturday, April 9, 2011

Trent and gang visit FL

Uncle Trent and the gang came to Florida for a visit last week. It was great to see everyone and we got a chance to finally meet our youngest nephew Andrew, who was born last July. Abby and Caroline hit it off immediately which was surprising to us, since they hadn't seen each other in a year. They were fast friends and REALLY enjoyed playing with one another. Abby was talking about how Caroline is going to be in her preschool class next year because she is four :) Cute!

On the boat and at the beach....

At our house for a little birthday gathering for Tye. Here is a picture of Aunt Heather and their three kiddos.

Here is a picture from my phone of Dean in his favorite spot at Gaga and Papa's house- the pond! He LOVES throwing rocks into the little pond in their back yard. He is obsessed! :)

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