Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving Florida Style.....

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving 2010, Florida style, with a lot of time spent outside enjoying the nice weather. My grandmother, brother and dad came down from Auburn, so Tye cooked up a yummy fried turkey, while Grandma Susie took care of the sides.

Here are some pictures from our day of boating. (We joined a boat club, which has worked out nicely for us).

My two little NOLES!! It was a great day in college football for the Noles over turkey day weekend. FSU beat up on the gators and got into the ACC championship game! It must have been my kids wearing their gear that gave them the good luck... ;)

Here is a cute shot of Deano...

We went walking around on boardwalk at Green Cay...... well running.... ;)

At the beach with Grandpa.... Dean is not afraid of the ocean and the waves; he is fearless and wanted to run straight into the ocean. He also enjoyed washing off the sand in the shower afterward. He kept on pointing upward at the shower, to indicate he wanted it turned back on! It was funny....

Here are some videos of Abby doing some tricks in Grandma Susie's community pool.

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