Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Palm Sunday

Here are some pictures from church on Palm Sunday. Prior to the Easter Egg Hunt that was held afterward, Abby was enthralled by the water fountain in the courtyard. You can see from the shots below, she inched closer & closer, and truly would have gone right in, if it weren't for mommy & Grandma Sue's vigilance!!

The look on Abby's face when she opened up the first egg was priceless. It was as though she had just witnessed a miracle; her expression became one of pure awe. You see..... Abby LOVES M&M's, especially blue ones, which she refers to as "little blue candy". Well....what are the odds that the first egg she cracked open had a single blue M&M inside? I think the whole Easter Egg Hunt concept settled in quickly after this great find!

Abby's little beau Carter is featured again below. For the record, Carter is on the list of approved boyfriends for Abby :) He is SO cute & sweet!

Lastly, we discovered Abby likes black jelly beans. Thus, the black "beard" on her face! Brooke (Carter's momma) says that black jelly beans will always remind her of Abby :)

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